Cash Mill at Mt Jackson

Captain John Morgan bought land beside Mill Creek just West of Mt Jackson in 1805 and built a mill in 1818, called the Fulling and Carting Mill, to make linen from fax and hemp. Captain Morgan also owned three flower mills along Mill Creek.  In 1834 he sold the Fulling and Carting Mill to Christopher Settle, who later sold it to Melsach Goodrich. The Woodstock herald ran an advertisement that the mill could do drying and Graphic cloths. Levie Rinker then bought the Mill. He was also known for giving land for Mt Jackson's Union Church graveyard. 


The Mill was burned in 1864, during the Civil war. After the War, Mr Rinker rebuilt it in 1872 and turned it over to his son Cab Rinker.  (Levie Rinker died in 1889.)  The New mill offered modern machinery of the day and included woolen milling.  Bill Landis' Father purchased the Mill in 1911.  Bill and his father operated a cannery in the basement in 1939 and during WorldWar II. The Landis family resided in the home across Route 263 from the Mill.   Later Bill added a printing shop and paint store.  Now unoccupied, the mill structure is the last standing on Mill Creek built in the 1800s.